Moroccan kilim restoration - after picture
A few days ago I posted "before" pictures of just one isolated area of my recent Moroccan kilim restoration. As is usually the case with many of our restoration projects, we began the restoration process with a thorough professional kilim cleaning. Generally, a professional rug or kilim cleaning is recommended before any repair or restoration can be done because the yarns used in the repair or restoration should match the clean yarns of the kilim and/or rug (ie, the yarns used in the repair should not match the dirty yarns of a dirty kilim / rug). If you wait to do the rug or kilim cleaning until after the repair or restoration, the yarns used in the repair and restoration will seem very dull compared to the yarns of the cleaned kilim. After the cleaning, we rewove the torn areas and bound the selvages (selvedges). The picture above is the final result. This kilim had many problem areas but I'll leave those for another day as I need to get back to a few other rug repairs that have been keeping me busy. More to come soon ... --