Chinese Art Deco Rug Cleaning and Repair
Chinese Art Deco rugs are generally brightly colored and bold additions to a room. Similar to Persian, Turkish, Moroccan, Nepalese, Tibetan, and other handmade rugs, these Chinese rugs benefit greatly from regular professional cleaning and prompt attention to worn and damaged areas. We recently provided professional cleaning and repair services for the Chinese Art Deco rug pictured above. First, we thoroughly cleaned the rug to ensure, in part, that all the yarns we used for the repaired areas matched the clean yarns of the rug. Second, we proceeded to repair the various damaged sections. One worn section we repaired is pictured above. The first step in repairing this area was to remove all the damaged and compromised pile (the light greenish beige area at the center of the photo above). We were fortunate to have the warp intact so were able to use the structure for the reknotting. In our next post, we will share the next phase of this handmade Chinese rug repair.