When You Leave Your Home (and Rugs) For a Few Months

It's summer.  You're going to go away for a few months to relax, reenergize, restore yourself so you can navigate the vibrant city once again.  How do you prepare your winter home?  You empty your refrigerator, throw away all your trash, maybe do a good deep cleaning, and lock your windows.  Right before you leave, you take a last look around to make sure you haven't forgotten anything, lock your door, and leave hoping you will find everything just as you left it when you get back.  Most of the time, you're lucky.  But every once in a while, you come home, unpack, and after a few days, maybe even a few weeks, you start getting the sense that someone was left behind to work while you vacationed.  You might see a wayward moth flying around your closet.  Or maybe you notice a small hole in a wool sweater.  Or (and this is where we come in) you move your sofa to vacuum your rug, and you notice a patch of white where there was once your rug.   Or even worse - you move your sofa to uncover the rug that is beneath it (which is kept in a dark and confined area - a perfect place for hungry moths to eat), and you notice that there are white sticky larvae moving around your rug feasting themselves on your prized hand knotted rug as you watch in a state of disgust and disbelief.  It's disconcerting, to be sure, but it's imperative that you take action swiftly.   The first step is to immediately have your rugs (and all affected woolen products) cleaned immediately.  The next step is to assess the damage.  The picture above is a rug that suffered such a fate.  In our next posts, we will share how we cared for this lovely Turkish rug. --
