Moroccan Berber Rug Cleaning and Repair
We recently completed a Moroccan Berber rug cleaning and repair project. Moroccan Berber rugs have enjoyed a recent increase in popularity due to their timeless design that seems to fit in with just about every style of decor - from the traditional aesthetic to the more modern. This particular Moroccan Berber rug, as is typical with all Berber rugs, have minimal motifs, longer piles than their Persian and Turkish counterparts, and are infused with vibrant fantastic color. After cleaning this Berber rug, we were asked to bind the fringes of the rug so as to prevent any unraveling as well as repairing and reknotting the hole pictured above that was in almost the very center of the rug. To show the extent of the damage, we took pictures of both the front side of the damage (top picture) and the reverse side of the rug (bottom picture).