Antique Persian Rug Repair - In Process
We last left you with a moth infested Persian rug that had severe damage along its fringe and several areas of the pile. After we professionally cleaned the rug to rid it of moths, we extracted all loosened and compromised pile. Luckily, the warp and weft was left mostly intact as it was made of cotton and the moths left it mostly untouched. We next began reknotting the missing pile on the original warp and weft structure. The picture above shows the reknotting in mid-process. Below is a picture of the reknotted pile once it was complete, but before we cut it down to match the length of the rest of the rug. The final step was to reweave the fringe so that it would be uniform along the edge of the rug. In our next post, we will share the final result of this latest antique Persian rug restoration project. -