Navajo Rug - Professional Cleaning and Moth Damage Repair
Navajo rug repair projects are similar to other handwoven kilim rug repair projects. There are some factors to keep in mind for Navajo rugs, however. First, it is imperative to take extra precautions when cleaning Navajo rugs because the dyes can run as many of the dyes used can be fugitive. This can lead to unsightly discoloration, particularly of light colored areas that adjoin dark yarns. Secondly, sourcing yarns that match original yarns can be a challenge. Particularly for antique Navajo rugs, newly dyed yarns fail to achieve the same warmth of antique yarns. For this reason, we prefer to use antique yarns from rug fragments, when possible. Antique yarns can be delicate to work with, but nothing achieves the same result in our opinion. With a good professional cleaning and a repair of the various moth damaged areas, this beautiful Navajo rug - with its beautiful geometric motifs - is ready for another generation or two. --