How to Treat Moths in a Moth Infested Rug?


Even in the cleanest of houses, moths can seemingly appear overnight to wreak havoc.  This video shows the various forms moths can take and how they can slowly devour our precious wool rugs (and other wool items).  Once moths are spotted, we highly recommend isolating the rug from other wool items as soon as possible. Next, we recommend discarding all rug pads and cleaning all floors thoroughly.  It is important also to clean under sofas or other furniture that was sitting on top of the affected rug.  Next, have the affected rug professionally cleaned.  If necessary, because the moth infestation is severe, a separate moth treatment may be necessary along with the professional cleaning.  Once the professional cleaning of a moth affected rug is completed, only then can the full damage be evident. After the cleaning (and drying), we can assess whether repair or restoration is necessary.